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As pressure to limit the growth in overall health care costs increases, it is essential to have a good understanding of the value provided by specific health care services. The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) contracted two health economists to provide...
August 4, 2022
Is Your Treatment Effective? Mark Werneke, PT, MS, Dip MDT "How do you know if what you are doing is working? You don't want to waste your time, or your patients' time and money. Physiotherapy is supposed to add value...
Here’s Why Patient Safety is Important Sandi N. Kossey, PT, BScPT, MHA, Senior Director, Canadian Patient Safety Institute CPA Leadership Division Executive Committee Member since 2014, CPA Member since 1998 "Although it has been 15 years since I worked in a...
Kenneth Wu PT, MBPsS, MA (SocSci), BScPT, MBA, University of Toronto Research topic: The relationship between cystic fibrosis (CF) genotype and peripheral skeletal muscle size and functions in adults with CF Awarded: Ann Collins Whitmore Memorial Scholarship Erin Miller PT: Michael Garron...
August 2, 2022
Access the Best Tools for your Practice Needs Exclusive Offers Work smarter, faster, simpler, better. Transform your practice by enhancing your connection to patients, empowering your employees, optimizing your operations and transforming your products and services. CPA members receive exclusive...
July 28, 2022
Welcome Reception Thursday, July 13 Join us to kick off Congress 2023 by attending the Welcome Reception where you will enjoy delicious cocktail food and interact with fellow participants and exhibitors! Party with a Purpose Friday, July 14 Party with...
July 21, 2022
Upcoming Courses Introduction to the Equine Patient (Independent Study) - always availableIntroduction to Equine Rehabilitation - July 22-24, 2022 OR August 12-14, 2022Advanced Equine Rehabilitation - September 16-19, 2022 Introduction to the Equine Patient - Independent Study CourseThis course is open to...
Upcoming Courses Advanced Canine Rehab Sept. 15-18, 2022 St. Catherines ONAdvanced Canine Rehab Nov. 11-14, 2022 Calgary ABIntroduction to Canine Rehab June 18-20, 2022 Calgary ABCANCELLED- Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy June 25, 2022 Kemptville, ONCANCELLED- Small Animal Neuro-Anatomical Acupuncture &...
Kim BarrettCo-Chair Kim Barrett is an Edmonton based physiotherapist, who as a lifelong animal lover, decided to take extra training to practice on animals. She has her Diploma of Canine Rehab from the Animal Rehab Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy...
July 20, 2022
Safety Documents Safety of Laser Therapy Safety of Shockwave Therapy ARD National Physiotherapy Month Posters ARD_2022_npm_poster_1Download ARD_2022_npm_poster_2_0Download ARD Position Statement: Acupuncture and Dry Needling of Animal Patients by Physiotherapists Engaged in Animal Rehabilitation Practice Read the ARD Position Statement on...