Research Advertisement and Recruitment through the CRD

The Cardiorespiratory Division supports physiotherapy-related research that aims to improve the health and rehabilitation outcomes for all Canadians. We will provide the following assistance to researchers who are conducting studies that support the goals of the CPA and/or the Cardiorespiratory Division:

  1. Post advertisements or links to electronic surveys for research studies on the Cardiorespiratory Division website.
  2. Send an advertisement for research studies or a link to electronic surveys in an e-blast to members.

We invite researchers to provide one or more of the following to the Cardiorespiratory Division as a return/in-kind contribution for assisting with research:

  1. A brief summary of the research results to be placed on the website or e-blasted to members.
  2. An article related to the topic of the research study to be published in an upcoming Cardiorespiratory Division newsletter.

The following are the requirements of the Cardiorespiratory Division prior to providing any of the above assistance options to a researcher:

  1. Title of the study, names of principal and co-investigators, and principal investigator’s contact information, including email address and telephone number.
  2. Research Proposal – A 2-page max summary including:
    • Background/rationale
    • Objectives
    • Methodology- including any text and/or links that the researcher wishes to be sent out (in an additional word document.), specific timing request for e-blast, and study timetable
    • Knowledge translation plan – including timing and methods
  3. A copy of the Research Ethics Board approval certificate
  4. An acknowledgement to the Cardiorespiratory Division in any publication of study results. Potential wording “We acknowledge the assistance of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Cardiorespiratory Division..”

The Cardiorespiratory Division reserves the right to edit the advertisement as needed to fit space and formatting restrictions.

To advertise research with us, please e-mail the above to

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Joining the CPA and CRD has a wide range of benefits including access to professional development at a heavily discounted rate, insurance discounts, and more.

For a full list of member benefits and discounts click here.

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Become a member

Why Join the CRD?

Joining the CPA and CRD has a wide range of benefits including access to professional development at a heavily discounted rate, insurance discounts, and more.

For a full list of member benefits and discounts click here.

Join the CRD now!

