The GHD supports pre-departure intercultural training for all Canadian physical therapists who will go and volunteer or work abroad. While the GHD is committed to facilitating the creation of a complementary pre-departure physical therapy specific course, this is still in the very early stages of development. Here are resources to help you prepare for your global health experiences.

Getting Started


  • Preparing for International Experiences: A Practical Resource Guide in Dispatches Volume 4 Issue 1 (Oct 2011)
  • Reflecting on the Role of Physiotherapy in Developing Countries: Where Can You Fit In? Powerpoint (2008) 
  • Reflecting on the Role of Physiotherapy in Developing Countries: Where Can You Fit In? Reflection Tool 
  • Ghumman A, Tran A, Foster C, Arya N. (2013). The OSCE as a tool for the evaluation of a pre-departure training program: A pilot study. UBCMJ; 5(1).
  • Crump J, Sugarman J. (2011). The working group on ethics guidelines for global health training: Ethics and best practice guidelines for training experiences in global health. The American Jouranl of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 83(6):1178-1182.
  • Loh L, Cherniak W, Dreifuss BA, Dacso MM, Lin HC, Evert J, et al. (2015). Short term global health experiences and local partnership models: a framework. BioMed Central. Globalization and Health; 11:50.
  • Alappat C, Siu G, Penfold A, McGovern B, McFarland J, Raman S, Landry MD. (2007). Role of Canadian physical therapists in global health initiatives: SWOT Analysis. Physiother Can; 59:272-285.
  • Ghumman A, Tran A, Foster C, Arya N. (2013). The OSCE as a tool for the evaluation of a pre-departure training program: A pilot study. UBCMJ; 5(1).
  • Crump J, Sugarman J. (2011). The working group on ethics guidelines for global health training: Ethics and best practice guidelines for training experiences in global health. The American Jouranl of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 83(6):1178-1182.
  • Loh L, Cherniak W, Dreifuss BA, Dacso MM, Lin HC, Evert J, et al. (2015). Short term global health experiences and local partnership models: a framework. BioMed Central. Globalization and Health; 11:50.
  • Alappat C, Siu G, Penfold A, McGovern B, McFarland J, Raman S, Landry MD. (2007). Role of Canadian physical therapists in global health initiatives: SWOT Analysis. Physiother Can; 59:272-285.

Armed Conflict



Courses & Seminars

Cultural Competency

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 Disaster Management



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