GLA:D™ Canada is an 8-week education and exercise program for individuals
with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis or symptoms of osteoarthritis. The program was
developed in Denmark, where it has shown to reduce the progression of pain
symptoms by 27%, reduce use of painkillers, time on sick leave, and improve
physical activity levels at 1 year post program. The program is composed of 3
parts: 1) 2-3 education sessions, 2) 12 sessions of tailored neuromuscular
exercises, and 3) a national database for quality monitoring (your clinic will have
access to its own participant’s data). This program is unique because it teaches
participants correct movement patterns that can be applied to their everyday
Certified GLA:D™ Canada trainers (a researcher in the field of arthritis and a
highly experienced practicing physiotherapist) will be instructing this 1.5 day
course. The GLA:D™ Canada training sessions will prepare you to provide the
program to your clients. The first day will be a combination of lecture and training
on how to deliver the neuromuscular exercise training the second day will be
lecture and information on the implementation process.
Training consists of:

  • Theoretical component detailing the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and up to
    date research on treatment
  • Information on how to implement the program within your clinical setting,
    adhering to the GLA:D™ Canada program standards and data collection
  • Practical Instruction on how to deliver the neuromuscular exercise program and
    functional tests
    The course will include:
  • A training manual
  • A user profile on the GLA:D™ Canada website, which will grant you access to up
    to date programming materials and access to a community of all trained GLA:D™
    Canada therapists
  • Materials to promote your program
  • Follow up implementation support to launch the program at your location
    Please register for the Course at:
    Make a Payment for Course Registration at:
    Please visit our website for more information and read our “
    Getting Started with GLA:D” document to get a better idea of how this program
    could be right for your clinic.
    Contact Name: Rhona McGlasson
    Contact Email: