Jill Robertson

Clinical specialty area: Musculoskeletal
Years in specialty practice area: 26
Areas of professional interest: manual and manipulative therapy; diagnostics; hip
What did you find most rewarding about the specialty program?
The self-reflection made me feel very good about myself and what I had accomplished through the years. It broadens my thinking.
What were your reasons for applying to the program?
I was asked to be an assessor and had to complete the program beforehand. I am not sure that I would have done it otherwise but since having done it, I am very glad I did.
Where do you hope to see the profession in 25 years?
I would like to see people going to physiotherapists as their initial and primary choice for musculoskeletal ailments.
Enjoy the love of learning and share what you have learned and what you need to be a specialist will just fall into place.
What impact do you think specialization will have on your specialty area?
It may make physios who think they are specialists be a bit more research-oriented in order to achieve this designation.
What is the value of the specialty program to candidates?
It is proof to their colleagues and to the public that they have worked harder through the years than the average physio to attain this designation.
What are important things to consider for those who are interested in pursuing their clinical specialty?
Enjoy the love of learning and share what you have learned and what you need to be a specialist will just fall into place.
What new skills or enhanced skills did you obtain going through the specialty process?
Self-reflection and organization.
What advice would you give to applicants going through the specialty process?
Have confidence. Check the requirements before applying in case you need to do more before the process begins.
What impact has the specialization designation had on you and your career?
It has given me more credibility when dealing with lawyers.
I graduated from Dalhousie University in 1987 with a BSc(PT). My first job was in a hospital in Revelstoke, BC. My goal was to ski and take manual therapy courses from some of the best mentors in the country. I returned to Halifax, NS 2 years later and began my private practice career with Michael Ritchie. I passed the Intermediate Manual Therapy Exam in 1991and then got married to Steve. I opened my first clinic, Beaverbank Orthopaedic and Sport Physiotherapy, in 1993. I had my daughter, Ali, in 1994 and my son, Sam, in 1996 – two months before I passed the Advanced Manual and Manipulative Therapy Exam. In 1998 I started my Masters which I completed in 2001. My thesis is on hip extension stretching techniques. In 2002 I opened my second clinic, Young Kempt Physiotherapy, where I currently work. I also work at Dalhousie University where I began teaching in 1990. I became an instructor for the Orthopaedic Division of CPA in 1997 and was promoted to examiner in 2002 and chief examiner in 2014. I received my designation as a clinical specialist in 2012. I believe strongly in volunteer work for our profession and have been on numerous committees including the National Orthopaedic Division executive twice and the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapists for eight years. When I am not working, I enjoy tennis, water and snow skiing, walking my dogs, but mostly spending time with my family, especially when we are playing games.