Kelli Berzuk

Cinical Practice Area: Women’s Health
Year of Graduation: 2012
Years in Practice: 25
Areas of Interest: Pelvic Floor Health
What motivated you to puruse specialization?
I have worked as a clinician in pelvic floor health for 20 years and have watched other countries develop specialization certification in my field. From a global perspective, I was excited to see Canada now offering this process and felt that it was important to show my support.
What was the most challenging part of the program?
The clinical reflection was the part that scared me the most. While I understand this is a common exercise currently used for physiotherapy students, it certainly was not an expectation way back when I was in physio school. I did not know where to begin in writing two reflections. It took a few practice runs but eventually I found myself enjoying this part of the submission. This is when the program changed from a certification experience to an op-portunity of personal development. We all reflect on ‘how to improve areas of our practice’ or ‘raise the bar in patient care’ on a continual basis; however, many of us have never taken the time to write these thoughts down. I found the clinical reflection an extremely beneficial tool that allowed me to grow as a clinician during the certifi-cation process and one I plan to continue to implement for self-improvement.
What are your hopes for this program? Why is it important to the profession?
From the responses I have received from the physicians and medical specialists that I work with, I know this will lead to increased involvement in new areas and activities. I think the Clinical Specialty Program raises the bar for constant reflection and self-improvement which in the end leads to increased quality in patient care.
Dr. Kelli Berzuk is a physiotherapist and director of IPPC-Incontinence & Pelvic Pain Clinic (division of Nova Physiotherapy & Sports Fitness Clinic) in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She is a member of numerous national and international societies such as the Women’s Health Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), the American Urogynecologic Society, the International Urogynecological Association, the European Urology-Accredited Continuing Medical Education, the International Continence Society, the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, the International Pelvic Pain Society, and the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute.
She has held numerous past and current positions on committees such as the CPA Awards Committee, CPA Specialization Sub-Committee and the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba’s Complaints Committee and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Guidelines Committee. She is also a Board member of the Women’s Health Research Foundation of Canada.
Kelli is a graduate of the University of Manitoba, School of Medical Rehabilitation; Division of Physiotherapy. Her post-graduate education for women’s health and pelvic floor health has been obtained throughout Canada, the United States, and she earned her post-graduate certification for pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation and continence through the University of Melbourne in Australia. Her Master in Science research thesis focused on validating a research tool used to measure pelvic floor function on global perspectives and for this she was invited to collaborate with pelvic health scientists in the Netherlands and the USA. She completed her PhD in Urogyne-Colorectal Medicine with her research focused on the high prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction and the need for raising knowledge and awareness to pelvic floor health and proper exercise, within the general female public. In addition to this, she has completed Certification in Higher Education Teaching through the University of Manitoba, and online Certification for Women’s Health Primary Care Providers through Duke University School of Medicine.
She has enjoyed her involvement in research and this has lead to publications of abstracts and articles in medical journals such as the Journal of Neurourology & Urodynamics and the Journal of Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery. She has also participated as a journal reviewer for the Journal of Neurourology & Urodynamics and the Journal of Reproductive Medicine.
Kelli’s awards and accomplishments include recognition as a Women’s Health Clinical Specialist by the CPA, the recipient of the Women’s Health Research Foundation Scholarship of Canada, the CPA Distinguished Service Award, the Robert A. Macbeth Traveling Fellowship award, the CPA Leonore Saunders Mentorship Award, and the University of Manitoba Research Development Award.
For more information on women’s health, follow the links below.