The CPA is pleased to launch the Core Professional Values Self-Assessment Tool
Jan 24, 2024
In partnership with physiotherapy professionals across Canada, the CPA is pleased to launch the Core Professional Values (CPV) Self-Assessment Tool. This Self-Assessment Tool helps practicing and student physiotherapy professionals familiarize themselves with the 10 Core Professional Values identified and developed by Dr. Pat Miller, Dr. Vanina Dal Bello-Haas, and Chantal Lauzon in 2020.
While physiotherapy professionals often focus on improving and advancing their technical and hands-on skills, it is equally necessary to focus on developing interpersonal skills such as empathy and client-centered practice.
The newly launched CPVs Self-Assessment Tool has been developed to familiarize practicing and student physiotherapy professionals with the 10 CPVs. It helps physiotherapy professionals consider how, and when, they embody these values in clinical practice, using definitions of each value and behavioural examples.
Looking into the proverbial mirror: Self-assessment using physiotherapy core professional values
Authors: Riley Pedulla, MSc(PT); Jasdeep Dhir, PT, MClSc(MT), TDPT; Pat Miller, PT, PhD
About the CPA
The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) represents physiotherapy professionals, including registered physiotherapists, physiotherapist assistants, physiotherapy technologists, and students across Canada. Physiotherapy professionals provide essential rehabilitative care and treatment, enabling Canadians to live well and actively participate in all facets of their lives.