Fall 2023

Canadian Physiotherapy Association Takes Critical Step Toward National Standardization of Physiotherapy Scope of Practice

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) reached a important milestone in its efforts to advance the physiotherapy profession in Canada when it hosted a joint session in Ottawa this past weekend that brought together provincial/territorial branch associations, key partners, and stakeholders to deliberate and discuss the first draft of the Physiotherapy Scope of Practice document.

Federal Pre-Budget Submission

The CPA ramped up its advocacy efforts with the federal government in 2023, including a Pre-Budget Submission that was recently delivered to the Federal Standing Committee on Finance.

Submission by the Global Health Division

An essential voice in pandemic prevention and planning is that of physiotherapy professionals. This was highlighted in a submission to the Standing Committee on Health regarding Bill C-293 by the Global Health Division of the CPA.

Submission by the Women’s Health Division

Physiotherapy professionals play a crucial role in addressing a range of women’s health issues. In October 2023, the Women’s Health Division of the CPA submitted five recommendations to the Federal Standing Committee on Health.

June 2023

Canada Student Loan Forgiveness Program Expansion

The Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC) followed up on the expanded access to the Canada Student Loans Forgiveness Program.

Health Workforce in Canada: Overview

The Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC) responded to the recent announcement that the the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) has planned to temporarily pause the annual Health Workforce in Canada: Overview Data Release.

March 2023

2023 Federal Budget Release

Yesterday, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, presented the 2023 Federal Budget: A Made-in-Canada Plan: Strong Middle Class, Affordable Economy, Healthy Future.

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) is pleased to see the Federal government’s commitment to strengthening Canada’s universal public health care system through an investment of $198.3 billion over the next ten years to enhance the health care system.

EHPC Identifies Lack of Targeted Funding for Interprofessional Health Care Team

The Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC) is encouraged by federal investments that are a step in the right direction to deliver equitable, accessible healthcare services to Canadians. These investments will support healthcare workers who have been stretched beyond capacity and have been experiencing high rates of burnout; many of whom have left, or are leaving, their healthcare professions.

February 2023

Organizations for Health Action Respond to Healthcare Funding Agreement

HEAL, Organizations for Health Action, who represent over 40 national health organizations dedicated to improving the health of Canadians and the quality of care they receive, responded today to the healthcare funding proposal between the federal government, the provinces and territories.

EHPC Welcomes the Federal Government’s Proposed Investments in Healthcare Services

The Extended Health Professionals Coalition (EHPC) is encouraged by the federal government’s recent proposal of investing $196.1 billion over 10 years for health-care services. These funds are a step in the right direction to providing better support for health workers, expanding access to services, improving access to mental health and substance use health services, and improving system performance and accountabilities.

Finance Canada Pre-Budget Submission

A written submission for Department of Finance Canada’s 2023 Pre-Budget Consultation