Physiotherapy Competency Examination: Clinical Component Delays
From the first PCE exam cancellation in March 2020 to the latest cancellation just a few days ago, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and its Branches have been calling for a rapid, alternate approach to licensing for affected candidates. We have been advocating for and offering to help find alternate, expedited paths to full registration.
A solution is out there. Regulators in BC, Alberta, New Brunswick and Quebec have implemented interim solutions that have allowed some candidates to be fully registered. Nova Scotia is developing an interim registration process. There have been other proposals as well including one for an alternate, two-pronged approach to assessing candidates’ competency. CPA supports these and other options that will get candidates licensed as quickly as possible.
As we see CAPR and the Colleges begin to address our asks, we reaffirm our commitment to candidates.
Solutions are at the heart of the CPA’s 3-point ask:

More than 2000 candidates are waiting anxiously, once again, to learn how they going to be licensed. Responsibility for a solution and the power to enact it rests solely with the 11 regulators. CPA is here to help in every way possible.